In order to incorporate a sense of verisimilitude, we decided to film in and around school grounds. This is because school is where teenage lives are created and identites are made or broken. Therefore, we felt it would be suitable to film in and around school.
Here are some location shots:
This is a picture of a teenaged girl our main actor. We decided to chose her as we felt the use of a black teenaged girl going through hard times people could relate to in the diverse culture which we live. Therefore, we felt she would fit the role due to the fact within Kidulthood the main actress who played the upset teen we wanted to sort of mimic this so we felt with Debbies acting skills we could use her to portray a character like 'Alcia' in Kidulthood.
We used 'Alcia' as inspiration for our production for a female character as she portrays the stereotypical emotional teen.